
Lytus Technologies is a prominent IT services company specializing in telecast and multicast services. In the quickly-moving IT sector, it can be challenging to keep up. Our team was tasked with developing a successful digital marketing plan for the business as we understand that, in the technology industry, it is even more crucial to demonstrate your brand and point of uniqueness through your social media posts and interactions. We created attainable, quantifiable, and rewarding goals for their company that were realistic and beneficial to them.




IT Services




Social Media, Website design & Shoot Influencers

Social Media

Lytus technologies defined the goals and objectives they wanted  to achieve with their social media presence. With this in mind, our approach was to create visual content, such as infographics, charts, and diagrams, to help explain topics and increase reader engagement. With careful planning and execution our dedicated team  created a successful social media strategy which included increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads and showcasing expertise.



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Increase in organic growth
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Increase in organic growth
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Increase in organic growth


Happy Clients

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